Dengue attack in islamabad

 Wellbeing Alert - U.S. Consulate Havana (30 August 2022)

Occasion: A flood of dengue fever has been affirmed in Cuba. Dengue is spread to individuals through the nibble of a tainted mosquito, explicitly the Aedes species (Ae. aegypti or Ae. albopictus).

Moves to Initiate: Utilize Natural Insurance Organization (EPA)- enrolled bug repellents with one of the dynamic fixings: DEET, Picaridin (known as KBR 3023 and Picaridin outside the US), IR3535, Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), Para-menthane-diol (PMD) Dress in light attire that covers the arms and legs. Cover carriages and child transporters with mosquito netting. Reapply bug repellent as coordinated. Try not to shower repellent on the skin under attire. Assuming that you are likewise utilizing sunscreen, apply sunscreen first and bug repellent second.

Treat clothing. Utilize 0.5% permethrin to treat attire and stuff (like boots, jeans, socks, and tents) or purchase permethrin-treated apparel and stuff. Do whatever it takes to control mosquitoes inside and outside. Use screens on windows and entryways. Aedes species can carry on for as long as they can remember cycle inside and are much of the time tracked down in storage rooms, washrooms, and under beds. Think about the utilization of a splash insect spray here. The texture on outside furniture can likewise be showered with 0.5% permethrin Use cooling, if accessible. Dispense with wellsprings of standing water where mosquitos breed and lay eggs. Wiped out with a Fever? Side effects of dengue ordinarily start in no less than about fourteen days in the wake of being chomped by a tainted mosquito. See a medical services supplier on the off chance that you foster a fever or have symptoms of dengue.

Take acetaminophen (otherwise called paracetamol beyond the US) to decrease fever and oversee body hurts. Try not to take headache medicine or ibuprofen. On the off chance that you have dengue, headache medicine, and ibuprofen meager the blood and may build the gamble of dying. Rest and drink a lot of liquids. Help: U.S. Resident Administrations U.S. Government office Havana Calzada between L and M, Vedado Havana, Cuba Telephone: (53)(7) 839-4100 Crises: +53-7-839-4100, dial 1 to choose English, and afterward 0 to address an administrator Non-crisis requests: Site: follow us on Facebook and Twitter Contact the Communities for Infectious prevention and Anticipation for additional subtleties at Dengue | Sickness Catalog | Voyagers' Wellbeing | CDC Contact the Express Division's Department of Consular Issues +1-888-407-4747 complementary from the US and Canada +1-202-501-4444 from different nations Sign up for Savvy Voyager Enlistment Program (STEP) for security refreshes. By U.S. Government office Havana | 30 August 2022 | Points: Alert, Medical problems, Directives for U.S. Residents, Notice, Security and Crisis Messages, U.S. Resident Administrations | Labels: Cuba, Dengue, Dengue Fever, Wellbeing Alert, U.S. Residents



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